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SQL Cloud Backup Closed Beta Testing Begins March 27

March 27, 2012

Intelligent Database Solutions, Inc. officially announces the first beta release of their SQL Cloud Backup solution for backing up MS SQL Server databases. Closed beta testing is set to begin March 27 and will continue until the product's final release.

Intelligent Database Solutions, Inc. has announced the beta release of its SQL Cloud Backup solution, a new product offering among its suite of SQL Server tools. Beta testing will be closed, to become beta testers users will be required to fill out the application form receive approval from the company.

SQL Cloud Backup is a solution that consists of desktop software and a cloud backup service. The desktop software, SQL Cloud Backup Free, is available for free and offers about 80% of the features found in competing paid products. The program is seamlessly integrated with a cloud backup service, which is optional and not required for SQL Cloud Backup Free operation.

The most important features of SQL Cloud Backup Free include backup compression and encryption, consecutive backups with data deduplication, automatic revision integrity checks, support for databases comprised of multiple files, scheduler to automate backup routines and other features. The desktop version also allows saving SQL Server backups onto a local or network disk.

The cloud backup service can be purchased separately, and is offered as five different subscription plans starting from Free. Every user of SQL Cloud Backup Free, when installing and activating the program (activation is free but mandatory), receives a half year free subscription to the Basic plan. It’s up to the user whether to use the cloud backup service or not. Those users who do not wish to store their backups in the cloud can go with the SQL Cloud Backup Free and use it forever at no charge.

Intelligent Database Solutions, Inc. plans to provide basic technical support to all users of SQL Cloud Backup Free. As for the cloud backup service users, the company offers extended technical support that can be accessed on the Customer Portal associated with the user account. There is also a referral program available to all users.


Become a Beta Tester – Apply for SQL Cloud Backup Beta
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